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pledged of €2000 goal for Phase 2

Pledge now before the €2000 goal has reached for exclusive founders rewards:

Pledge €40 for
Founder Bronze

Pledge €80 for
Founder Silver

Pledge €200 for
Founder Gold

Pledge €1000 for
Founder Statue

Bronze Founders Badge

Silver Founders Badge

Golden Founders Badge

Your personal Founders Statues in the game to honor your support

You will be honored as founder with your name or desired nickname together with your pledged amount in the credits section of this website, the games Main Menu and the games Founders Museum that will be build after the crowdfunding goal has reached

Lifetime free acces to all available and upcoming DLCs and in-game purchasables (max 1 of each)

Exclusive cosmetic armor set that will become super rare in the game and may become highly valueable to other players by trading

Your contribution will earn you 10 unique founder's statues strategically positioned across the in-game landscape. This reward will only be given one time for the first who pledge €1000

Plus all previous rewards

Plus all previous rewards

Plus all previous rewards




Only 8 left


Only 1 available

Or back the project for no reward, because it speaks to you and want to support:

*The Euro (€) currency is automatically converted to the currency used in your country

We have the following payment methods and more:

This is the current state of the game, awaiting the next pledge goal to be reached for further development progress, while fixing bugs and improving the balance and gameplay experience

Level cap: level 55 Quest amount: 25 Unique Items: 100+ DLCs: 5 Bosses: 1
PVP: very basic with an event every 3 hour for a chest on all the PVP Hills Servers: 1 (EU) Skills: melee, agility, mining, fishing, herbalism, socialing, courage, defense

This phase will start 3 weeks after the €2000 milestone is funded

Level cap: level 65 Quest amount: 100+ Unique Items: 150+ DLCs: 5 Bosses: 3
PVP: avarage with more events and rewards Servers: 1 (EU) Skills: melee, agility, mining, fishing, herbalism, socialing, courage, defense
Ranks Panel: Online Leaderboards Achievement Points unlockables More content, vendors, zones
Implenting the 5 in-game content polls where the most players voted for Futher bug fixing, gameplay improving and balancing

This phase will start 3 weeks after the €5000 milestone is funded

Upon achieving the 5k milestone, I'll be delighted to enlist a professional to craft the graphic assets for an additional 2 more player races (Troll and Elf). Also, will be humans and these new come complete with comprehensive character and gender customization, effectively expanding the player options.
This particular objective necessitates an extra 3k investment due to the intricacy of the task. Creating graphic assets for each animation (such as Idle, Walk, Block, Slash, Jump, Dance, and more) is a highly demanding endeavor. Furthermore, crafting the appropriate sprites for every available equipment piece in the game, tailored for each race and animation, adds to the complexity of this undertaking. Also the following classes will be available: Warrior, Hunter, Mage, Priest

Level cap: level 75 Quest amount: 150+ Unique Items: 200+ DLCs: 10 Bosses: 5
PVP: avarage with more events and rewards Servers: 1 (EU) Skills: melee, agility, mining, fishing, herbalism, wisdom, prayer, socialing, courage, defense, archery, magic, sanctify
Ranks Panel: Online Leaderboards Achievement Points unlockables More content, vendors, zones
Character customization with:
Races: Human, Troll, Elf
Appearance: Gender, Hair, Face, Skin Color
Classes: Warrior, Hunter, Mage, Priest
Futher bug fixing, gameplay improving and balancing

This phase will start 3 weeks after the €7000 milestone is funded

Upon attaining the 7k milestone, we will add additional US and Asian servers to play with less ping in these regions. Also this website will be enhanced to serve as the central hub for the game. This comprehensive platform will offer the following features:

Access player profiles and track boss kill timers. Explore online leaderboards in-game items, NPCs, quests, and skills with accompanying information and guides. Stay updated on the real-time status of different realms and the number of players online.
Stay informed with a news feed and upcoming events. Review patch notes and engage with the game's community through the forum. Utilize contact options for reporting players, appealing bans, or addressing account issues.

Level cap: level 80 Quest amount: 150+ Unique Items: 300+ DLCs: 10 Bosses: 10
PVP: very extended with several events and rewards Servers: 3 (EU, US, Asian) Skills: melee, agility, mining, fishing, herbalism, wisdom, prayer, socialing, courage, defense, archery, magic, sanctify
Ranks Panel: Online Leaderboards Achievement Points unlockables More content, vendors, zones
Trading between players & Action House Marketplace System First Dungeon with Bosses for
groups of 5 players
Buying and selling property land
in the game's open world
Character customization with:
Races: Human, Troll, Elf
Appearance: Gender, Hair, Face, Skin Color
Classes: Warrior, Hunter, Mage, Priest
EULAs, Privacy Policy,
End User Agreement,
Improved anti-cheat
and ban system
Futher bug fixing,
gameplay improving
and balancing

Furthermore, any additional funds raised beyond the specified goals of the 4 Phases will be allocated to enhancing marketing efforts and refining the online multiplayer experience.

After Phase 4 will the game have constant evolution with regular updates, new expansions, and seasonal events, Swords & Crystals ensures that your adventures remain fresh and captivating, while at the same time not diminishing the value of your previous earned achievements and belongings, and while also not updating the game broken like some major MMORPG titles did in the past.

I am primarily working alone on this project, taking on most responsibilities such as design, programming, art, and marketing. Music and the majority of the graphics are outsourced to other artists. This crowdfunding a pivotal role in getting me closer to realizing my dream of becoming a full-time developer. More importantly, it expedites the arrival of Swords & Crystals to you, and in an improved state. While I'm confident I could gradually develop this game on my own over several years with patience, I recognize its incredible potential to flourish with a modest kick-start that accelerates development significantly. With complete funding, this game will not only reach the market faster and in a better form but also with significantly more content.

Furthermore, the MMORPG landscape is somewhat lacking in exceptional titles, despite being my preferred gaming genre, and I struggle to find engaging and competitive online role-playing games. It has come to my attention that many gaming communities share this sentiment, and there's a noticeable void in the MMORPG genre. The only MMORPGs I truly appreciate are WoW and RS in its old, classic days. The graphics of Swords & Crystals are not very comparable to those of these major MMORPG titles, but with the top-down graphics and gameplay, Swords & Crystals should become one of the most comprehensive and unique online game in the scene. I firmly believe that this game has the potential to revitalize the MMORPG experience, making it enjoyable and exciting once more, and making this game one of the most outstanding online RPGs available that sets itself apart with unique graphics and gameplay. I have no intention of replicating another Zelda or any other retro game clone, as there are already plenty of those in existence.

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